Sunday, September 27, 2009


Have you ever heard someone mention a "God-shaped hole" being in each one of us?  It's true! There is a longing deep within us that can be satisfied ONLY by His Presence, His Love, His connection to us! Before we realize what it is, we are "looking for love in all the wrong places", so to speak. That's why no matter what good thing we "think" we have found, it can  never satisfy us! We are complete only when we have become one with Him! We were created BY Him, FOR Him! His desire is for us! 

At the time the woman at the well met Jesus, she had previously had five husbands and was living with a sixth man. But, that day, she met her True Love, the Lover of her soul! She knew that was what she had been looking for and believed it so strongly that she couldn't help but tell the whole town! Now that is the real thing! She made that ultimate connection with the Lord that day! And that is what He desires with each of us ~ for our hearts to beat as one with His! We lose our identity in Him!

We must chase after Him with total abandon until we get a hold of Him! I am obsessed with being in the secret place with Him ~ addicted to His Presence! I want to pour out everything in me and lay it at His feet! I want my heart to beat in harmony with His! I want my heart to break with the things that break His heart! I am a lovesick fool for my Bridegroom!


  1. Wow...I love reading that story about the woman at the well...that is such an awesome testimony of God's power and grace in someone's life...Addicted to his presence...I would like to get to that place again in my walk with Him...Can you expand a little more on "the secret place??" I would love to read more from you on that...Thanks for the Word Cheryl...:)

  2. Esther, I will try to write a little something every day, if possible. I wish I would have started this a long time ago! The Lord spoke to me recently to begin writing again, so I will be sharing what He gives me in this blog and my others.<3
